After family, physics-related photos first. Then politics-related photos.
Julia, Russell, and Leilani (my kids)
In the ATLAS Experiment cavern with Della.
With Tom Hanks in the ATLAS experiment control room.
The Mural of the ATLAS Experiment directly over the experimental cavern. Commissioned and completed while I was ATLAS Outreach Coordinator.
At the Nobel Prize Ceremony in Stockholm December 1999. Physics prize awarded to my friends Gerard 't Hooft and Martinus Veltman.
Lt. Governor John Garamendi of California (with Michael Barnett) holding a copy of the DOE book "Decade of Discovery" which is prominently displayed in the Governor's office in the Capitol Building. Garamendi is now in US Congress
With U.S. Senator Barbara Boxer (third from left), Nobel Laureate George Smoot on her left and other LBNL people.
Discussing science and education with Congresswoman Barbara Lee, who represents Berkeley and Oakland.
Talking with California Governor Gavin Newsom
With Senators Barbara Mikulski, Barbara Boxer and Dianne Feinstein (front row), and Senators Maria Cantwell, Patty Murray, Debbie Stabenow, Blanche Lincoln, and Mary Landrieu (back row), members of the U.S. Senate.
With First Lady Sharon Davis (on left), the wife of then-California Governor Gray Davis.
With San Francisco Mayor Ed Lee, center, (now deceased).
With former California Assembly Speaker and San Francisco Mayor Willie Brown (at Rep. Barbara Lee's birthday party).
With former California Assembly Speaker and San Francisco Mayor Willie Brown at California Democratic Convention.
Our Fundamental Particles chart as seen on The Big Bang Theory television show.
At the announcement of the discovery of the Higgs boson simulcast at CERN and in Melbourne at the International Conference on High Energy Physics (where this photo was taken), July 2012.
A Neon sign I had created of an actual Higgs boson event recorded by the ATLAS experiment. It is for use in exhibition-type settings.
My talk at the so-called Pittcon international chemistry conference before an audience of 800 people in Philadelphia March 2013.
The fictional antimatter capsule used in the "Angels & Demons" movie as displayed in CERN Globe.
The ATLAS control room (with me hiding in the back).
The softball team of the theoretical physics group at SLAC (Stanford), year 1981?